• Olga Victorovna Kuznetsova Altai State University Email:
Keywords: occupational safety and health, social and labor relations, opportunism, willful conduct, unintentional behavior


The article is devoted to the study of labor protection problems in the context of opportunism, which takes place in the midst of a variety of varieties of social and labor relations. The necessity of the deepening of ideas of the nature of labor opportunism is substantiated. The conclusion of the probability of intentional and accidental nature of opportunistic behavior is established. Herewith in case of accidental opportunistic behavior, that can be conscious and unconscious (in contrast with intentional behavior), as vindicated before, damnification to another entity isn’t end in itself. The approach presented in the work to the interpretation of the essence of opportunism served as the basis for the author’s development of recommendations intended to contribute to a real improvement in the state of preservation of life and health of workers in the course of work.



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How to Cite
1. Kuznetsova O. V. THE OPPORTUNISTIC PROBLEM IN LABOUR PROTECTION // Economics Profession Business, 2020. № 1. P. 59-64. URL: