Keywords: wages, labor wage, nominal and real wages, commodity form of labor


The article is devoted to the theoretical study of the wage's nature value. Without touching upon the problem of the substance of value in the article the following questions are considered and the relevant conclusions are drawn.

The value nature of wages has nominal (monetary) and real (natural) values.

The starting and final point of the circuit of nominal (monetary) wages are money, or rather money as capital. Real (natural) wages in this movement is only a moment. The purpose of this circuit is to recover from the cash proceeds of the advanced monetary wage Fund.

On the contrary, the source and end point of reproduction of the labor commodity form is its commodity-natural form. Money, more precisely, money capital is only a passing moment. The purpose of this cycle is the reproduction of the labor force in its natural and commercial form.

The article shows that the purchase and sale of goods labor and its use has two forms of advance funds.

On the part of the employer there is an advance of cash wages (prepayment), that is employees need an advance for the normal reproduction of the labor force before the end of the reproduction cycle of finished goods. On the part of the employee can observe the advance of labor before the end of the work specified in the employment contract.

In General, the two-way advance of funds allows us to say that from the position of property rights, there is both the rent of labor and the rent of capital.

Value as a substantive basis of wage date and wage labor has three forms of existence: 1) cash existence of money; 2) non-cash existence of cash prices and 3) the estimated value of goods.



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How to Cite
1. Krishka V. I. COST NATURE OF WAGE // Economics Profession Business, 2019. № 4. P. 43-51. URL: