• S. V. Potyagailov National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Email:
Keywords: structural changes, structural transformations, structural policy, human resources, economic systems


Throughout history, mankind has been confronted with the challenges and difficulties that arise in the cyclical evolutionary revolutionary processes of the socio-economic activities of society. The resulting structural distortions and shifts, which are an integral part of the life of economic systems, can with a high degree of probability lead to problems of a socio-economic nature. To ensure the security and functioning of the economic elements of the system in case of imbalance, it is necessary to understand the structure of possible and past transformations. Concretization of measures for the implementation of the tasks arising from this leads to the need to activate the entire resource base of the country, including a qualitatively new use of existing human resources.

To solve this problem field, the author considers the experience of describing and controlling the ongoing structural transformations in practice. The above classification and the use of international and domestic theoretical concepts made it possible to structure the structures necessary for describing transformations by identifying the main directions of their activity. The author identifies the basic approaches to conducting and controlling changes in the economy. A more detailed consideration of structural transformations proves the need to incorporate social aspects into existing or forming economic systems. Obtained by rethinking the basic principles, their new socio-economic meaning is revealed as a set of measures to counteract negative changes within the structure of the economy. As the main measure of implementation and control over transformations, the author considers the key areas of structural policy aimed at minimizing the negative factors of systemic changes.



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How to Cite
1. Potyagailov S. V. STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY: CAUSES AND PROBLEMS // Economics Profession Business, 2019. № 4. P. 65-71. URL: