УДК 352/354-1

  • S. V. Belousova Irkutsk Scientific Center SB RAS (Irkutsk, Russia) Email:
Keywords: local self-government, reform, cooperative federalism, unified executive vertical, centralization, cooperation of public authorities


The current problems of the lack of clear interaction between the levels of government, which have significantly manifested themselves during the implementation of national projects, have predetermined the need for a new stage of local self-government reform aimed at building a model of a single executive vertical based on cooperative federalism.

In the article, the author analyzes two main trends in the development of this model: managerial centralization and cooperation. It is established that centralization has affected many aspects and directions of the implementation of power, but at the same time the problem of cooperation and coordination of actions of individual branches, spheres and levels of management remains.

The author considers managerial cooperation from the point of view of the system approach on the basis of the types of system elements and ways of their interaction, which in general forms various directions and forms of cooperative interaction. The article establishes the structure of cooperation by types of system elements according to the law of system development and the corresponding forms of cooperative interactions. The analysis of the current implementation of financial, administrative, political, control and analytical cooperation allows us to identify existing problems and the required measures for the development of cooperative federalism in the aspect of implementing a complementary combination of centralization and cooperation.


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Author Biography

S. V. Belousova, Irkutsk Scientific Center SB RAS (Irkutsk, Russia)

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