УДК 338.2:332.1 (571.52)

  • G. F. Balakina Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of the Natural Resources SB RAS (Kyzyl, Russia) Email:
Keywords: region, Republic of Tyva, zoning of the territory, border areas, spatial development


The article discusses the processes of improving the regional policy of Russia from the policy of equalizing the parameters of socio-economic processes of the regions to the policy of stimulating the implementation of competitive advantages of the regions. The territorial heterogeneity of the Republic of Tyva as an object of regulation is investigated. It is determined that the current division of the territory of the republic into four zones: Central, Western, Eastern and Southern, which differ in terms of output and parameters of social development, remains relevant and determines the differentiation of measures for regulating socio-economic processes. It is concluded that in the conditions of improving regional policy in the republic, it is necessary to develop and implement a conceptual document: a concept, strategy or action plan for regulating territorial development, which allows linking goals and resources, which is strategically important due to the border position of the region. In Tyva, it is necessary to form a purposeful policy of regulating territorial development. The purpose of the territorial policy is proposed to be defined as equalizing the access of residents of the republic to social services, the development of border territories to prevent the outflow of population through the adoption of a set of measures, including the activation of natural resource potential.


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Author Biography

G. F. Balakina, Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of the Natural Resources SB RAS (Kyzyl, Russia)

доктор экономических наук, главный научный сотрудник


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How to Cite
1. Balakina G. F. PROSPECTS FOR THE TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF TYVA // Economics Profession Business, 2021. № 4. P. 14-21. URL: