УДК 334.02
The systemic limitation of the further development of Russian entrepreneurship is its infrastructure support. Insufficient development of the support infrastructure remains an urgent scientific and practical problem in the context of the announced transformation of business development institutions. The purpose of the article is to identify and systematize theoretical approaches to the content of the concept “support infrastructure of business structures’ for their comprehensive consideration in the subsequent assessment of the adaptation capabilities of infrastructure to the new conditions of economic policy. The author’s analysis of the research has shown that over the past decades there has been a set of terms that define the concept of “support infrastructure of business structures’ with varying accuracy. Thanks to the application of content analysis, it is established that the category of “support infrastructure of business structures’ is formulated within the framework of functional, object and
territorial approaches. For the first time, the components of this concept, identified in this way, as well as the classification of its elements. This can become the basis for a theoretical systematization and a comprehensive assessment of the adaptive capabilities of the infrastructure in transforming conditions.
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