УДК 339.9

  • K. B. Badarchy Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources SB RAS (Kyzyl, Russia) Email:
  • V. K. Sevek Tuva State University (Kyzyl, Russia) Email:
  • A. A. Sereezhikpei Tuva State University (Kyzyl, Russia) Email:
Keywords: border region, border types, interregional differentiation


The article is devoted to the issue of assessing the level of socio-economic development of border regions in foreign countries in the context of similar domestic experience. The analysis is based on a comparison of the countries of the world in terms of the level of interregional differentiation in terms of gross regional product per capita and a correlation analysis of the GRP per capita with the share of the titular ethnic group in the structure of the population of border regions, as a significant subjective influencing factor. The analysis shows that the deepest lag of border territories is characteristic of multi-ethnic states with administrative division along ethnic lines. A typical representative of countries with a cultural and civilizational type of border area is China, for which the correlation between the indicators of gross regional product per capita and the relative share of the titular ethnic group in the composition of the population in the border areas as of 2010 was 0.55. At the same time, by the 1920s, China should reduce the gap in the backlog of ethnic border areas to the level of the absence of a connection between the GRP indicator and the share of the titular ethnic group in the population of the provinces. The analysis shows that the cultural and civilizational type of the borderlands, characterized by a relatively low share of the titular ethnic group in the structure of the population, requires that this factor be taken into account as one of the key factors in the implementation of investment projects and integrated projects for the development of such territories. Unlike those for border areas with a relatively homogeneous population structure (spatial-economic type of border areas) with a predominance of the titular ethnic group, it is possible to limit oneself to standard approaches to stimulating economic activity and economic growth. From this point of view, the experience of developing the Tibetan and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regions of China may be relevant for solving the problems of the development of Russia's ethnic borderlands.


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Author Biographies

K. B. Badarchy, Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources SB RAS (Kyzyl, Russia)

кандидат экономических наук, старший научный сотрудник

V. K. Sevek, Tuva State University (Kyzyl, Russia)

доктор экономических наук, декан экономического факультета

A. A. Sereezhikpei, Tuva State University (Kyzyl, Russia)

старший преподаватель экономического факультета


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How to Cite
1. Badarchy K. B., Sevek V. K., Sereezhikpei A. A. COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF BORDER REGIONS OF A NUMBER OF FOREIGN CONTRIES AND RUSSIA // Economics Profession Business, 2022. № 3. P. 24-31. URL: