УДК 314.7:331 (571.150)

  • N. A. Shevchuk Altai State Agricultural University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: migration processes, migration growth, population size, internal migration, external migration, migration preferences, human resources


The lack of human resources is a serious problem for Altay region that negatively affecting the economic development of the region. The migration processes are one of the factors that exert influence on the condition of the human resources and act as an indicator of the social and economic development of the region. The migration of the population becomes a leverage of the economic growth in the host regions. At the same time the outflow of qualified staff personnel from the territory of the donor regions is akin to a reduction in investment in their economy.

The study found that during the specified period, the number of migrants arriving in the region decreased by 8.3 %, while the migration outflow decreased by 56.4 %.

Arriving internal migrants is distributed in approximately equal proportions between the urban and rural populations, and most of them leave the countryside.

More than 90 % of international migrants arriving in the region are CIS citizens.

To a greater extent, people of active working and reproductive age (30–39 years) leave the region. For every man who left the region, there were 3 women who left.

The conducted research allows us to prioritize the formation and implementation of the migration policy of the region. The activities aimed at increasing its economic potential are coming to the fore. Special attention should also be paid to the expansion and improvement of infrastructure in the broad sense of the word, conducting systematic monitoring of migration processes, development of regional systems of higher and secondary special education, immigration from abroad of qualified foreign specialists, as well as compatriots wishing to return to their homeland.


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Author Biography

N. A. Shevchuk, Altai State Agricultural University (Barnaul, Russia)

кандидат экономических наук, доцент


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How to Cite
1. Shevchuk N. A. THE INFLUENCE OF THE MIGRATION PROCESSES ON THE POPULATION DYNAMIC OF ALTAY REGION // Economics Profession Business, 2023. № 3. P. 135-143. URL: