УДК 332 (470/57): 330.322

  • Yu. K. Akchulpanov Institute for Educational Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Russia) Email:
Keywords: investments, sustainable development, growth, prospects, environmental friendliness, sustainability, stability


The article is devoted to the analysis of investment activity in the Republic of Bashkortostan, studying its role in ensuring the sustainable development of the region, development prospects and challenges faced by investors and the government of the republic. The current state of the investment environment is analyzed, the weaknesses and strengths of the region's investment activity are identified, the advantages and key industries and projects that attract the most investment are identified. The problems faced by investors in the regions of the Russian Federation are identified, such as environmental, social, economic, bureaucratic barriers, legal uncertainty, etc., on the basis of which possible promising directions for attracting investments into the economy of the republic are presented, including taking into account international economic and political factors, modern trends in the development of the world economy. A mechanism for enhancing investment activity in the region is presented, taking into account the use of private and corporate savings. This mechanism reflects the interconnection of the main areas of sustainable development of the region, where innovation through investment is key. At the end of the article, the author offers recommendations for improving the investment environment in the region.


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Author Biography

Yu. K. Akchulpanov, Institute for Educational Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Russia)

проректор по научной и инновационной работе


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How to Cite
1. Akchulpanov Y. K. INVESTMENT ACTIVITY IN THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN: PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES // Economics Profession Business, 2024. № 2. P. 5-10. URL: