Authors Guidelines


  1. The article is submitted in electronic form at
  • the name of the file by the name of the author or the first of the authors
  • one of the latest versions of the WORD text editor is used
  • the publication volume should not exceed 0.5 pp. (20,000 characters with spaces or approximately 11 pages, including a list of references, information about the authors and illustrations); for candidates and doctors of science, the volume of publications should not exceed 1.0 p. (40,000 characters with spaces or approximately 22 pages), the minimum size of the article is 0.35 pp. (14,500 characters with spaces or approximately 8 pages). The A4 table or figure is 5,400 characters with spaces;
  • publications are accepted in Russian and English.
  1. Articles submitted to the editorial board are checked using the Anti-Plagiarism system; authors are advised to check their articles for originality of the text before posting.
  1. The following are attached to the article: - the recommendation of the department (scientific seminar of the department) scanned in color; - a letter of consent with the certified signature (s) of the author (s) of the article scanned in color; - for graduate students, a mandatory document is sending about postgraduate study.
  1. The structure of the article:
  • UDC index, which is put in the upper left corner of the first page of the manuscript;
  • Initials and surname of the author, the author’s place of work (with city and country) in Russian (for example, I. I. Ivanov, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia));
  • title of the article, abstract in Russian (annotation from 1000 to 1600 characters without spaces, the word “Abstract” is not used), keywords for publication in Russian (from 5 to 10 words);
  • initials and surname of the author, place of work of the author (indicating the city and country ) in English (for example, II Ivanov, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia));
  • title of the article, abstract in English (abstract volume from 1000 to 1600 characters without spaces, the word “Abstract” is not used), keywords to publications in English (Key words, from 5 to 10 words);
  • the actual text of the article;
  • bibliographic list;
  • references;
  • tables with headings;
  • figures with captions;
  • information about the authors (last name, first name, middle name, academic degree and title, position, place of work, telephone for communication), address with postal code, electronic address (e-mail) and ORCIDID (pr and availability).
  1. For the main texts in English, the initials and surname of the author, article title, abstract, keywords for publication in English are indicated first, then all the same in Russian.
  1. The content of the text should include:
  • an introductory part (introduction), containing an overview of modern publications on this topic, including by foreign authors, and clearly formulating the relevance and purpose of the work;
  • a description of the methods and techniques of the study;
  • the results obtained and their discussion;
  • The final part (conclusion) with conclusions on the work.
  1. Requirements for the text presented in WORD:
  • A4 format (21x30 cm);
  • used versions of the text editor - MSWord 2003 and higher (tables and figures - MSWord, MSExcel, CorelDraw 12, 13);
  • line spacing - 1.5;
  • font - headset Times New Roman;
  • font size - 14 size;
  • all fields 2 cm each;
  • unformatted text;
  • text should be divided into paragraphs, paragraph indentation 1.25 cm;
  • no hyphens;
  • text may be marked with fonts (bold, italics);
  • it is possible to use special characters (%, etc.).
  1. The bibliographic list is written in Cyrillic as follows (GOST R 7.0.5-2008):
  2. a) articles in periodicals:

Ermolina L. T. Where does the guy get Afghan sadness? // Altai truth. 2001. No. 2. P. 2-5.

b) monographs, textbooks and teaching aids:

Antonyan Yu. M. Crime in the federal districts of Russia: monograph. M., 2012. 117 p.;

c) collections of articles and conference proceedings:

Gorshkov V. G. On some approaches to solving the economic and organizational problems of industrial enterprises: a monograph. Barnaul, 2004. 168 p.;

d) electronic sources:

Guzhvenko Yu. N. In the Altai Territory, the Kazakh diaspora is active. URL: (accessed: 10/05/2018).

The hyperlink must always be terminated with the symbol "/".

е) links to unpublished works are not allowed;

f) if for the cited source, there is a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it should be indicated at the end of the source after the dot in the following form: DOI: prefix / suffix (for example, DOI: 10.14258 / izvasu (2014) 1.1-01).

References to cited literature are given in numbers in square brackets in the text, cited pages are also indicated here: [1, p. fifteen; 2, p. 45]. The bibliography itself, under the heading “Bibliographic list”, is given after the main text in citation order (one list item - one name). The same source is indicated in the bibliographic list once, in the text of the article, when the link is repeated, the number that was used the first time is indicated in square brackets.

"References" are given in English in the order of the bibliographic list in Russian.

  1. Requirements for figures (charts, graphs, diagrams) and tables:
  • figures must have captions;
  • tables must have headings;
  • abbreviations must be explained;
  • scanned images are not accepted;
  • font size in figures and tables - at least 10 pins;
  • fill is not allowed, the color of the contours is black.
  1. The bibliographic list should contain, as a rule, at least 10 sources containing references to both domestic and foreign monographs and articles in leading scientific journals.
  1. The editors reserve the right to make editorial revisions (including changing headings and shortening texts) without the consent of the authors and to reject articles if they receive a negative expert rating. With appropriate revision, the article can be published. Rejected articles by the editorial board of the journal are not returned to the authors.

     12. Authors who publish in the journal are advised to subscribe to it in the Russian Post catalog.


Publication, prepared in accordance with all the rules, must be sent to the address of the editorial board:

Address of the editorial board:

656049, Barnaul, pr. Sotsialistichesky, d. 68, building 113.