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O.E. Gorshkov Email: geor-84@mail.ru


The article discloses author's assessments and interpretations of the semiotic status of a number of museum exhibits included in the local exposition «White Sea Fisheries» (Uemsky village, Arkhangelsk region). Their potential in practices of reconstruction and modeling of the Northern Russian village’ geocultural image on the White Sea coast is understood. Scientific, popular science and artistic aspects of its representation are exhibited. Particular emphasis is placed on the case of Zimnyaya Zolotitsa (locus which is significant both in terms of the development of traditional crafts and in the context of the literary development of the Russian North’ territories).


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How to Cite
Gorshkov, O. 2020. «WHITE SEA FISHERIES». OBJECT. EXHIBIT. EXPOSITION. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 3, 9 (Dec. 2020), 43-49.


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