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A.S. Spirina Email:


The social well-being of population is a general complex internal state of an individual, group and society. The level of trust is considered as one of the indicators of public moods and climate. Currently various theoretical approaches and empirical methods for measuring social well-being and social trust have been formed. In this article social well-being is considered as a complex indicator the assessment of which is based on eleven indicators which characterize the socio-economic situation of the population, the labor sphere, personal leisure, the state of affairs in the country and the safety of the population. The analysis of social trust includes evaluation of generalized and interpersonal trust. The main goal is to identify the specifics of social well-being and social trust of the population of the Altai Territory. The results of the correlation analysis made it possible to reveal statistically significant differences in the assessment of social well-being and trust of the population depending on socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, financial situation). A regression analysis was performed. According to the results of the analysis, some aspects of social well-being of the population were identified that contribute / hinder the formation of generalized and interpersonal trust among the population.


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How to Cite
Spirina, A. 2020. REGIONAL ASPECTS OF SOCIAL WELL-BEING AND TRUST OF THE POPULATION. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 3, 9 (Dec. 2020), 191-199.


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