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M.I. Cherepanova Email:
А.S. Legostaeva Email:
S.A. Sariglar Email:
D.K. Sheglova Email:


The problem of human capital research is growing in post-industrial societies due to the fact that human potential determines the progressive development of the state. Numerous studies in the field of sociology and Economics have proved that the competitiveness of any economy is determined primarily by human potential and only secondarily by material and financial resources. The article presents a theoretical analysis of various components of human capital, indicating their orientation and the main trends of mutual influence. The conditions and factors of the paradoxical combination of modernization and demodernization processes characteristic of modern Russian society are described. It is concluded that regional features of human capital functioning are the result of a combination of objective socio-economic conditions for the development of territories and relevant aspects of educational policy in the country.


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How to Cite
Cherepanova, M., LegostaevaА., Sariglar, S. and Sheglova, D. 2020. HUMAN CAPITAL: A VARIETY OF APPROACHES TO ANALYSIS. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 3, 9 (Dec. 2020), 223-228.


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