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E.V. Shakhova Email: ews05@yandex.ru


Migration is a complex social process, the consequences of which, both positive and negative, are manifested in almost all spheres of society. The article analyzes issues related to migration of population, which are relevant both for the entire country and for the regions. The topic is of particular importance in the Altai territory, having great migration loss of population. The migration plans of residents of the Altai territory and reasons for a possible move are considered. The results obtained about migration plans are differentiated on several grounds: by place of residence, by age, by the main occupation, by the level of education, by the length of residence in the settlement, by marital status. The most pressing reasons for a possible move are: improving financial situation, ensuring the future for children, finding a job, career growth.


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How to Cite
Shakhova, E. 2020. MIGRATION PLANS OF RESIDENTS OF THE ALTAI KRAI. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 3, 9 (Dec. 2020), 229-233.


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