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V.S. Abinov Email:
O.V. Surtaeva Email:


In modern conditions of growing interdependence of different communities, institutions and social groups, there is an increasing need for institutional trust as the basis of stability throughout the world. The processes of globalization, informatization, virtualization unite modern societies in networks that transform social interactions and relationships, as well as social institutions and trust in them. The solution of many urgent problems of modern Russia requires the joining of efforts of all social groups and communities, which is impossible without the formation of channels of trust. Trust ensures the formation of strong social bonds and relationships that contribute to the stability of society. Networks of trust contribute, on the one hand, to the solution of many social problems (from the fight against corruption to the formation of civil society institutions), on the other hand, to the understanding of everyday social ties and relations of individuals.


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How to Cite
Abinov, V. and Surtaeva, O. 2021. THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO STUDYING INSTITUTIONAL TRUST. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 10 (Aug. 2021), 6-9.


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