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M.A. Bobunova Email:


The article presents the comparative description of music instrument denominations in different folk genres. The texts of the Onega Bylinas, historical songs and non-ritual lyrics recorded in different Russian regions were chosen as basis of the research. The common-genre, inter-genre and specific genre constructions are determined. The common-genre group of lexemes comprises the most frequently used noun «гусли» (psaltery/gusli) which was used in all the analyzed texts that signifies its importance in the Russian folklore picture of the world. A detailed description is given to the inter-genre denominations which are common for both lyrical and historical songs as well as for bylinas and non-ritual lyrics. Particular attention is paid to the single-genre lexemes which are characteristic to lyrical songs, above all. The variety of lexemes, frequency, combinability and peculiarities of usage lead to certain conclusions about genre specifics of the language material under analysis.


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Bobunova, M. 2021. THE WORLD OF ARTICTIC CULTURE IN THE RUSSIAN FOLKLORE. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 10 (Aug. 2021), 28-34.


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