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T.M. Nurgaliyev Email:
D.Yu. Charny Email:


In the modern world, there is a gradual mythologization of the consciousness of the masses. The mythologization of mass consciousness occurs in all countries of the world. With the development of education in the world, there is a process of rejection of scientific knowledge and a gradual mythologization of scientific achievements. For example, during the global Covid-19 pandemic, a movement of anti-vaccinators who believe in chipping the population appeared in the post-Soviet countries. What we are trying to explain from the point of view of the mythologization of the consciousness of the masses. The extensive development of different types of media from traditional newspapers to bloggers leads to the availability of information in the modern world. Including the dissemination of false information that carries disinformation and undermines the credibility of the achievements of modern science. It is in this context that it is important to define the principle of the mythologization of mass consciousness. This work reveals the very concept of the mythologization of mass consciousness, and also tries to determine the causes. The principle of mythologizing consciousness was proper for antique societies, now the faith in myths and legends may be considered as a scientific case.


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How to Cite
Nurgaliyev, T. and Charny, D. 2021. MASS CONSCIOUSNESS AND ITS MYTHOLOGIZATION IN THE MODERN WORLD. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 10 (Aug. 2021), 143-148.


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