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O.V. Surtaeva Email:
M.B. Maximov Email:
A.S. Gulyaeva Email:


The intellectual potential of the population in the modern world is becoming one of the factors of social, economic and innovative progress. That is why, in recent years, the study of intellectual potential is of increasing interest among representatives of various branches of science. In this regard, the authors of the article tried to identify the main methodological approaches to the definition of intellectual potential, among which the most prominent are the philosophical, psychological-pedagogical and socio-economic approaches, the latter of which seems to be the most fruitful for the purposes of subsequent sociological analysis. The article analyzes the definitions of the intellectual potential of the population and proposes the author's definition of the intellectual potential of the population.


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Surtaeva, O., Maximov, M. and Gulyaeva, A. 2021. THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO THE ANALYSIS OF THE INTELLECTUAL POTENTIAL OF POPULATION. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 10 (Aug. 2021), 182-191.


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