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G.G. Gevorgyan Email: gaiane.dh0705@gmail.com


In all historical epochs, and in our time in particular, a significant phenomenon in the development of culture was the meeting and collision of different cultures, leading to complex processes of their interaction, on the one hand, to self-determination and self-consciousness of each of them, on the other. Important tasks of cultural policy in the current complex socio-political situation are the preservation of the cultural diversity of the peoples living in the region, and the formation of a culture of interethnic communication. Purposeful systematic work is needed to revive, preserve and broadcast the national values and cultural traditions of peoples inhabiting the Altai Krai, to search for relevant forms of cultural and leisure activities aimed at forming mutual understanding between the various ethnic groups inhabiting the region. One of the most effective ways to solve this problem is to identify the most promising forms of preserving traditional culture, popularize the ethno-cultural features of non-titular ethnic groups, and disseminate ethno-cultural knowledge and ideas of mutual respect between representatives of different ethnic groups. The project involves the analysis of the main mechanisms for the preservation and development of the Armenian ethnic culture in isolation from the mother ethnic group in a multi-ethnic region.


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How to Cite
Gevorgyan, G. 2021. FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ETHNIC CULTURE OF THE ARMENIAN DIASPORA IN ALTAI KRAI. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 2, 10 (Aug. 2021), 81-86.


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