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D. A Omelchenko Email:
S. G Maksimova Email:
O.E. Noyanzina Email:


The frontier mountainous areas are home to indigenous peoples with unique cultures and priority for research and protection in the face of global climate change. Direct and indirect threats to life and health, changes in environmental management and adaptation strategies require analysis incorporating current trends in the climate agenda and emerging climate policies. The article presents the results of sociological research conducted in the Republic of Altai in 2022 (n=207, age 22-80), including an assessment of the importance of climate problems for residents of high mountain areas, the occurrence of abnormal natural phenomena, ways of adapting to changing conditions. It is concluded that climate problems are perceived by the population in a complex manner, in conjunction with the problems of survival in a harsh continental climate. Given the good adaptability, passive strategies based on traditional knowledge are more common among the population.


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How to Cite
Omelchenko, D.A., Maksimova, S.G. and Noyanzina, O. 2022. FRONTIER TERRITORIES OF ALTAI: RISKS AND ADAPTIVE STRATEGIES OF THE POPULATION UNDER CONDITIONS OF CLIMATE CHANGE. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 2, 12 (Jun. 2022), 127-134.


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