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A. E. Pleshkova Email:


In modern society there are negatively colored myths and opinions about representatives of different nationalities. The main types of behaviour towards people of other nationalities are established in the family. The most striking manifestation of negative opinions and expression of curiosity to features of skin color, cultural customs, spoken language, occurs in childhood. According to age psychology, the basic qualities of the personality finish their fundamental formation by the end of the adolescence period. However, during life, depending on the background and psychological and pedagogical conditions, the level of tolerance can change. In this regard, it makes sense to talk about the need to pay special attention to children and young people in the moments of formation of tolerance to people. The aim of the work is to study the inter-ethnic tolerance of the generation «Y». Youth is a socially active group, which has such characteristics as egocentrism, increased irritability, maximalism, the presence of many communication links. In addition, there are other features that distinguish modern youth from other generations and from young people from previous generations.


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How to Cite
Pleshkova, A.E. 2022. INTERETHNIC TOLERANCE OF YOUTH FROM THE «Y» GENERATION. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 2, 12 (Jun. 2022), 139-146.


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