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Jiajia Song Email: dmitrlm@mail.ru


In 2010 Hainan Province announced that it would make every effort to turn the island into an international tourist center, and since then, a large number of foreign tourists visit Hainan every year. In 2020, the construction of a free trade port began, and at the same time, a plan was launched to attract millions of talents from around the world. Among all the cities of Hainan Island, Haikou, as the capital of Hainan Province, is the first choice for many foreigners. This point of view was confirmed when in 2019 Haikou was selected as “Charming China: the most attractive Chinese city through the eyes of foreign talents". More and more foreigners start living and have rest in Haikou. Haikou is becoming an ideal destination for talents from all over the world. Understanding the urbanonyms of the city of Haikou has become an important stage in the adaptation of foreigners to life on the island. In addition, familiarity with urbanonyms allows you to deepen your understanding of the flow of living processes in the linguistic reality of the city [1, с. 32]. This article is devoted to the study of Haikou agoronyms and is intended to introduce readers to the compositional structure and connotations of agoronyms by analyzing the results of a survey of Chinese youth. We divided Haikou agoronyms into three categories: agoronyms containing basic information, agoronyms containing spiritual and cultural information, and agoronyms containing basic and spiritual and cultural information. It is worth noting that studies of agoronyms are not widespread enough, and there is not enough relevant literature. This determines the relevance of this article.


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How to Cite
Song, J. 2022. HAIKOU AGORONYMS IN THE LINGUISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS OF CHINESE YOUTH. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 2, 12 (Jun. 2022), 175-181.


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