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L.A. Yavnova Email: lar.javnova@yandex.ru


Globalization has sharply exacerbated the problem of national and cultural identity, which today has become one of the most important problems. Due to new opportunities and openness, fragmentation and differentiation have become invariable companions of globalization, its flip sides. The flip side of globalization is the revival of ethnicism, nationalism, various forms of fundamentalism, adherence to traditional, religious values. If globalization contributes to the erosion of national identity, fragmentation, on the contrary, stimulates the revival, at least in the minds of people, of the imaginary boundaries of ethnic, confessional, cultural, linguistic and other communities, nourishing the corresponding identities. For the presentation of the ethno-cultural heritage of the peoples of Western Siberia and Altai, it turned out to be promising to identify the ethnic aspect of the Polish exile in the conditions of the Siberian cultural transfer. On the basis of archival materials, it was possible to determine the "administrative places of exit" and to identify the ethno-cultural aspect of the Polish exile. The article traces the results of interethnic communication in a foreign environment


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Yavnova, L. 2022. POLITICAL EXILE OF POLES AS A FACTOR OF ETHNICITY IN CONDITIONS OF SIBERIAN CULTURAL TRANSFER. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 2, 12 (Jun. 2022), 231-236.


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