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M.A. Bobunova Email: bobunova61@mail.ru


The article describes terms denominating relations "in-law" – kinship not by blood, but by marriage – in the folklore of Kursk region. Lexicographic complexes of non-ritual lyrics, ditties and fairy tales became the basis of the research. The identified lexemes are analyzed taking into account the usage in each folklore genre. Special attention is paid to dialect words characteristic of Kursk lyrical songs and ditties. The role of the terms properties in the folklore text, where they perform different functions, is noted. The conclusion is made about the genre specificity of the analyzed language material, which indicates the ambiguity of relations between non-blood relatives.


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How to Cite
Bobunova, M. 2022. TERMS DENOMINATING RELATIONS "IN-LAW" IN THE FOLKLORE OF KURSK REGION. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 12 (Jun. 2022), 43-49.


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