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Z.P. Zamaraeva Email:


The article analyzes the opinions of representatives of the scientific and expert community on the state of modern Eurasian integration processes in the context of a socio-spatial approach. The relevance of the declared topic lies in considering the category of "social space" as a system-forming basis for the formation and development of Eurasian integration. The majority of researchers, both classical and modern authors, analyzing the concept of "social space," relate it to the problem of social organization of citizens and the realization of their life interests. The article notes a contradiction between the economic orientation of the modern Eurasian integration process and the need to incorporate social perspectives into its development. The aim of the article is to conduct a scientific analysis of the essence of the category of "social space," the reference to which will clarify the social specificity of the Eurasian integration process. The work on the article used a complex of theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, study, comparison, generalization, etc.). The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was conceptual provisions and scientific approaches to the definition of the categories "social space," "Eurasian integration," which made it possible to specify the necessary data for their substantive assessment. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the generalization of conclusions, in which the author of the article offers comments on the category of "social space" in the context of the Eurasian integration idea, a hierarchical and criteria analysis. Among the target orientations, achieving the state of social well-being of a specific person, in general, the community is mentioned. The mechanism for achieving the goal can be social policy of the state or, as researchers note, supranational social policy within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.


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How to Cite
Zamaraeva, Z. 2022. SOCIO-SPATIAL ASPECT OF EURASIAN INTEGRATION. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 12 (Jun. 2022), 109-117.


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