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E. A. Moskovkina Email:


The experience of developing a textbook (a book for reading for students of the Russian language) based on local history data is described. The book is prepared in order to solve adaptive and educational tasks in teaching foreign students. The principle of selection and preparation of educational materials is based on an integrated approach in teaching Russian as a foreign language, designed along with direct linguistic and didactic installations (teaching reading, writing, speaking) to solve a number of topical country studies problems that contribute to the orientation of students in the cultural and communicative environment of the host party. The content of the manual provides a complex of conceptual aspects that are important for arousing interest in language and culture, involvement in the communication situation with special semiotic resources and the search for communicative motivation. The consolidation of grammatical material, the formation of communication skills with this approach is implemented in the context of foreigners studying the cultural and historical space of Barnaul, immersion in the urban environment.


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How to Cite
Moskovkina, E.A. 2022. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGE (RUSSIAN): REGIONAL COMPONENT. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 12 (Jun. 2022), 183-188.


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