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The article examines the dynamics and causes of changes in the scientific discourse of terms such as "Kazakhs living abroad," "Oralmans," "Qandas," and "repatriates," which are concepts of Kazakh repatriation and its equivalents. It highlights the relevance of repatriation and the associated problems and consequences that arise in the context of Kazakhstan, not following global formulas but using individual theories and methods specific to historical, regional, and ethnic contexts. Taking into account the legal and social reasons that have contributed to the changing concept of ethnic migration over the last 30 years, the article concludes the inadequacy of scientific terms resulting from legal status and public opinion. Additionally, the article compares international repatriation experiences in examples from Israel, Germany, Poland, Korea, Japan, and others, while considering terms that can characterize the migration processes of ethnic Kazakhs. The objective formulation of the problem and definitions related to ethnic migration in domestic science create conditions for the use of terms in research in this area.


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Shaken, B. 2023. THE CONCEPT AND SPECIFICITY OF KAZAKH REPATRIATION. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 12 (Jun. 2023), 284-294.


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