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A.Yu. Mokhorova Email:
V.P. Demidov Email:
E. Dolzhenkova Email:
S.N. Pogodin Email:


The legal system is a complex phenomenon that includes various elements of legal reality from the rule of law and the established practice of its implementation to legal culture and ideology. For three decades, the legal systems of the post-Soviet countries have been forming, which is influenced by many factors of an internal and external nature: culture, traditional values, legal customs, international integration and globalization. The aim of the work is to study the peculiarities of the national legal systems of these states, the reasons underlying their formation; to identify trends in their development depending on regional affiliation, political and economic guidelines. The research was carried out using analytical, historical and comparative legal methods. As a result of the work carried out, it was found that the development and integration of national legal systems in the post-Soviet space fully correspond to the peculiarities of the formation of statehood in these countries, they embody a variety of legal approaches, and the desire of the peoples of independent states to independently solve the most pressing issues of the country. At the same time, States strive to make the most effective use of the advantages of the international law system as a condition for the consistent development of their statehood.


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How to Cite
Mokhorova, A., Demidov, V., Dolzhenkova, E. and Pogodin, S. 2022. FORMATION OF NATIONAL LEGAL SYSTEMS OF POST-SOVIET COUNTRIES. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 12 (Jun. 2022), 189-193.


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