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D. A. Amanzholova Email:


The problems of civil consolidation and interethnic integration of Soviet society are of significant interest in the context of the urgent tasks of social development of multinational Russia and the countries of Eurasia. The ambivalent nature of the ideological, political and socio-cultural practices that were developed and used in the 1920s and 1940s in the USSR confirms the complexity of the processes of transition of the country's peoples from tradition to modernity. Internationalism and the brotherhood of peoples became the most important foundation of Soviet nation-building, the whole complex of ideological, educational, propaganda, social and cultural work. In the pre-war period, along with the thesis about the friendship of peoples, the concept of the "Soviet people" was approved, although the analysis of the relationship and essence of integration processes in a multinational society was only outlined. The representation of new socio-cultural meanings and values was accompanied by their semantic content, acquiring special significance during the Great Patriotic War. In this regard, the anthem of the USSR occupies a number of state and cultural symbols, which is confirmed by the history of its creation in 1943.


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Amanzholova, D.A. 2023. CIVIL CONSOLIDATION OF A MULTINATIONAL SOCIETY: FROM THE HISTORY OF THE CREATION OF THE USSR ANTHEM. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 3, 12 (Dec. 2023), 12-19.


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