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G.S. Abdullayeva Email: sayfylla-ab@rambler.ru
S.N. Abdullaev Email: sayfulla.abdullayev@list.ru


This article is devoted to the description of the real directions of the development of ethnic cultures in the CIS countries. The description is based on the example of the ethnocultures of one of the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. The process of cultural development is considered within the framework of the system of culturemes as units of culture. The mixed nature of cultures can also be demonstrated by the example of songs. And here we are not talking about the translation of texts, but specifically about bilingual texts. The concept of "compatriots" is recognized as a differential feature when distinguishing the ways of development of specific ethnic cultures. In the post-Soviet period of the development of ethnic cultures in the CIS, several development trends can be outlined. The primary opposition is based on the difference between ethnic groups that can be considered compatriots relative to the Russian Federation, and ethnic groups that are not counted among them.


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How to Cite
Abdullayeva, G. and Abdullaev, S. 2024. WAYS OF DEVELOPING ETHNIC CULTURES IN THE CIS COUNTRIES. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 13 (Jul. 2024), 19-26.


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