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E.V. Pustovalova Email:


The problem of intercultural communication is one of the most pressing in modern society. Its successful construction often plays a decisive role in ensuring peaceful coexistence and cooperation. The content of intercultural communication is based on those cultural values and guidelines that form the basis of the individual and society. Analysis of the methodology allows us to note the versatility of this type of communicative interaction and the interest in finding solutions to problems that complicate intercultural dialogue. In modern research, a large role is given to the analysis of forms of intercultural communication and the specifics of their content. Much attention is paid to understanding the features of building such communication that would allow for unhindered intercultural interaction. However, there is still no clear understanding of whether it should be based on traditional value guidelines when building it, or whether it is necessary to form new, multicultural values in order to ensure the possibility of the harmonious development of society and timely respond to emerging social contradictions.


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Pustovalova, E. 2023. VALUE ORIENTATIONS IN BUILDING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 13 (Apr. 2023), 261-266.


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