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M.R. Arpentieva Email:


The central phenomenon of the psychology of public di‐ plomacy is the phenomenon of mutual understanding of peoples (repre‐ sentatives of different nations). People’s diplomacy in the modern world as an instrument of «soft power» allows solving many problems, including independently and apart from official diplomacy. The frustration of the peoples of a globalizing world in their governments, in a state system that is interested only in observing their own interests, instincts of well‐being, reproduction and superiority, encourages peoples to solve problems aris‐ ing in multicultural communities, on the borders of regions and countries, in situations of more or less mass migrations, in situations of collision of representatives (groups of representatives) of different cultures in all other significant situations of multicultural contacts independently. Such a resolution requires an active and focused orientation towards building and strengthening mutual understanding:


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Arpentieva , M. 2019. PEOPLE’S DIPLOMACY AND ANTI‐CORRUPTION. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 8 (Feb. 2019), 20-35.


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