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T.K. Shirokova Email:


The article reveals the importance of the expanding the scope of the research on the corruption in the connection with a narrow set of the tools and the anti-corruption mechanisms used in modern Russia. On the basis of the summarizing the results of the research by Russian and the foreign scientists, the attention was paid to the such areas as the corruption in the conducting public financial audits and the need to develop an independent public examination of the financial activities of the state and the enterprises, auditing compliance with the constitutional rights of the citizens, the contagiousness of the corruption and preventing its spread and the actions informants in the every organization and also the increasing the participation of the women in Russia who are independent of their husbands, in the senior positions in the state legislative and executive bodies.



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How to Cite
Shirokova, T. 2019. CORRUPTION AS A TOPIC OF THE NEWEST SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 8 (Feb. 2019), 175-178.


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