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A. G. Kuzmin Email: akuzmin09@rambler.ru
D. P. Kondral Email: lbvf17@gmail.com


The article discusses radical threats, as well as negative factors and conditions for the development of the civil society institutions in modern Russia, associated with the intensification of the socio-economic crisis and the growth of international instability. So, among the main threats are: corruption, banditry, low living standards, rising protests and radicalism, as well as increased foreign political instability. The authors also studied promising ways and directions of counteracting the radical threats of our time with the aim of creating favorable conditions for the formation of the civil society institutions and the development of democratic and legal governance mechanisms. The main ways of stable development of the civil society institutions are considered: further improvement of the legal system and raising the level of legal culture of the population; democratic institutionalization of society; creating conditions for the development of the middle class; initiation of managerial conditions for the development of the middle class in the regions of the country by the federal government. The considered directions of preventing the development of radical threats of our time can become the basis for the further successful development of democracy and the civil society in the country and regions.


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How to Cite
Kuzmin, A.G. and Kondral, D.P. 2020. RADICAL THREATS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSTITUTES OF CIVIL SOCIETY. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 9 (May 2020), 17-23.


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