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T.G. Volkova Email:


This study examined the relationship between professional identity and ethnic identity in the context of self-relation. Professional development of the individual is the leading form of identity acquisition in modern conditions. In the conditions of relocation to a different cultural environment, professional identity is interconnected with ethnic identity. The empirical base of the study was 90 men and women of Russian and Kazakh nationalities. The results of the correlation analysis showed significant differences in the relationship between personal characteristics, ethnic identity and professional identity statuses (achieved identity, identity crisis, premature identity) by groups: 1) Russian nationality and Kazakh nationality; 2) Russians living in Kazakhstan longer than 10 years, Kazakhs living on the territory of Russia longer than 10 years; 3) Russians who live permanently on the territory of Russia and Kazakhs residing permanently on the territory of Kazakhstan.


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Volkova, T. 2020. PECULIARITIES OF PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY IN FOREIGN ENVIRONMENT. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 2, 9 (Dec. 2020), 72-80.


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