The article presents information on the improvement of clonal micropropagation technology and features of in vitro propagation of rare and valuable plant species. The Volgograd Regional Botanical Garden has been working on the creation of in vitro collection since 2005. The collection of rare and valuable plant species has more than 100 names, including rare species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Book of the Volgograd Region - 50 species belonging to 19 families and different ecological and phytocenotic groups. As a result of the research, optimization of cultivation conditions for rare and valuable plant species at different stages of clonal micropropagation was carried out. The maximum multiplication factor for rare species of 4.9±0.7 was recorded on nutrient medium containing 6-BAP at a concentration of 0.5 mg/L and 0.01 mg/L PPI. The highest multiplication factor of Actinidia (9.02) was found when cultured on medium containing 6-BAP at a concentration of 0.5 mg/L and 0.05 mg/L PPI. As a result of these studies, optimal conditions for long-term preservation of regenerant plants were selected. Plants in vitro were stored in a climate chamber SANYO MRL-351H on nutrient medium ½ MS supplemented with 6-BAP 0.2 mg/L, sucrose (20-30mg/L), t (3-7 °C) and illumination (500-1200 lux).
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