The paper presents the results of evaluation of the regeneration process from isolated Solanum chilense seedling tissues in in vitro conditions under different LED illumination. It was found that the formation of shoots from somatic cells of the initial explant in in vitro culture is significantly induced not only by growth regulators included in the artificial nutrient medium, but also by the spectral composition of light. Lighting variants allowing to induce shoot regeneration processes in Solanum chilense seedling tissue culture with relatively high frequency (119.0; 342.9 %) have been determined. These are LED lights with spectral ratios of R/B of 1.3; 3.1 and 19.7; and FR/R ratios of 0.14; 0.12; 0.24, respectively. Of considerable interest for obtaining regenerant plants are green-colored LEDs, which together with growth regulators in the composition of nutrient medium caused the formation of shoots with an average height of 4.1 cm, more than four leaves, and a frequency of stem organogenesis of 85.7%.
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