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somatic embryogenesis
in vitro
common pine
forest seed plantations

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Ignatenko R., Ershova M., Chirva O., Galibina N. TOWARD THE PRODUCTION OF REGENERANT PLANTS OF PINUS SYLVESTRIS CLONES L. // BIOAsia-Altai, 2024. Vol. 4, № 1. P. 547-551. URL:


Donor plants of Pinus sylvestris explants from Petrozavodsk forest seed plantation capable of somatic embryogenesis initiation were studied, and the formation of embryogenic cell lines on MSG nutrient media with different content and sources of phytohormones was evaluated. The initiation of somatic embryogenesis was observed in explants selected from 2 out of 9 studied clones of plus trees. It was found that embryogenic cell masses were formed with low frequency on all substrates studied. The initial stages of somatic embryo maturation were recorded after seven days of incubation of cell masses on hormone-free medium and then on substrate with ABA. At the end of the experiment, regenerant plants of Pinus sylvestris could not be obtained.

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