One of the most important problems facing the chemical industry in our time is the process of processing industrial and household waste in order to effectively use natural resources, save raw materials, and protect the environment. Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.) is a widespread plant species in the western region of Azerbaijan. Cosmetic lotions are prepared on the basis of essential oil rich in aromatic components, obtained from the aerial part of the wormwood plant, which grows wild in the biocenoses of the Gazakh region, Western region of Azerbaijan. The optimal composition and physicochemical properties of the samples were studied. With the presence of wormwood oil and lotion additives, 6 types of lotion samples were prepared and its optimal options were determined. The resulting lotion sample has cleansing, whitening, soothing, smoothing, softening properties for oily skin, tightens enlarged skin pores and can be used to eliminate oily shine.
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