• Марина Александровна Сундеева Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk) Email: sundeevamarina@yandex.ru
Keywords: Altai Territory, agricultural production, challenges, threats


The author of the article attempts to analyze the challenges and threats to the development of agriculture in the Altai Territory in 1991–2017, associated with institutional changes in agricultural production and the formation of a mixed agrarian economy. At the same time, “challenges and threats to development” in relation to this topic are proposed to consider any failure in purposeful and progressive movement as a result of an external impact on the object (phenomenon) under study or internal contradictions and disproportions that comprise its elements.

In the scientific literature, as a rule, the challenges (threats) to agricultural development are not associated with changes in proportions in the production and sale of agricultural products between different categories of farms. The relevance of the study of this relationship, in author’s opinion, is beyond doubt, since the formation of multi-product agriculture leads to changes in the quantity and quality of resources, structure, volumes and rates of agricultural production, which in turn can act as challenges (threats) targeted forward movement (development) of the industry.

This article, without pretending to a comprehensive analysis of the problems of economic security, reveals the role of various categories of farms in the production and sale of agricultural products at different stages of development.

In the article a periodization of the development of agriculture in the Altai Territory in 1991–2017 is conducted. There are three periods: transformational development, stabilization of production, recovery growth. The characteristic of the structure of production and sales of agricultural products by categories of farms during these periods is given. The main challenges and threats to the development of agriculture in the Altai Territory in 1991–2017, caused by the institutional changes of the 1990s and the development of multi-structure, are defined.


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How to Cite
1. Сундеева М. А. ON CHALLENGES AND THREATS TO DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE OF THE ALTAI TERRITORY IN 1991–2017 // Economics Profession Business, 2018. Vol. 4. № 4. P. 68-74. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/ec/article/view/201855.