• Александр Яковлевич Троцковский Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk) Email:
  • Юлия Александровна Перекаренкова Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: agricultural region, strategy development, the Altai territory, area of economic growth, balanced economic development of a region, risks and limitations of the development


The article deals with the theoretical and applied aspects of “territorial projection” formation of the longterm development Strategy of the region.

The experience of spatial strategizing in the Altai territory is generalized, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the work carried out from the standpoint of increasing the degree of balance of regional development is given. The social and economic “portrait” of each of the region’s four zones of economic growth is characterized. External and internal risks and restrictions in demographic and social and economic development of the zones of economic growth are systematized. General and specific competitive advantages ofthis zones are revealed and systematized. The disadvantages and their causes in the practice of spatial aspects elaboration of the Altai territory development Strategy are considered. Also, the recommendations for improving the formation of its spatial section are given.


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How to Cite
1. Троцковский А. Я., Перекаренкова Ю. А. IMBALANCES IN THE ALTAI TERRITORY SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT IN CONTEXT OF LONG-TERM STRATEGY // Economics Profession Business, 2018. Vol. 4. № 4. P. 75-85. URL: