• Виктор Иванович Беляев Altai State University (Barnaul) Email:
  • Кристина Владиславовна Неяскина Altai State University (Barnaul) Email:
  • Надежда Сергеевна Сотникова Altai State University (Barnaul) Email:
Keywords: economic growth, economic development, marketing, marketing of territories, unique characteristics, territories, strategy, strategic management


The article is devoted to solving the problems of the economic development of urban settlements on the basis of the application of principal provisions, methods and means of marketing the territories. With reference to the works of well-known scientists, theory of economic growth and the theory of economic development are considered in detail as independent but interrelated. The causes and effects of economic development and economic growth, their influence on each other, the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in ensuring economic development and economic growth of enterprises, regions, countries are described. The article states that the methodological and methodological basis for ensuring economic development and growth of urban settlements is the marketing of territories aimed at the search for and identification of unique characteristics of the terrain and their use in attracting attention and financial resources interested in their consumption of the parties to this territory. Thus, the marketing of territories is proposed to be used as a real methodological means of including in the operation of such a factor of production as entrepreneurial activity. The article also presents a marketing analysis of the unique characteristics of the city of Solvychegodsk in the Arkhangelsk oblast and offers to use them in the strategic plan for the economic development of this city.


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How to Cite
1. Беляев В. И., Неяскина К. В., Сотникова Н. С. MARKETING OF TERRITORIES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF CITY SETTLEMENTS (THE CASE OF SOLVYCHEGODSK, ARKHANGELSK OBLAST) // Economics Profession Business, 2018. Vol. 2. № 2. P. 05-16. URL: