• Inna Grentikova Kemerovo state medical university (Kemerovo, Russia) Email:
  • Tatyana Alаbinа Kemerovo state university (Kemerovo, Russia) Email:
Keywords: gamestorming, business, innovation, proven methodology, teamwork


The article substantiates the expediency of using gamestorming by Russian business, which allows to improve the communication skills of employees, generate new, build a strategy for the development of a commercial organization. Gamestorming technique is simple and available for use. The authors substantiate the use of the most convenient tool gamestorming by managers of a commercial organization. The conclusion about the need for business cooperation between higher education and business was made. As a result, an effective option of public-private partnership can be obtained, pursuing the formation of an innovative model of the economy.


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How to Cite
1. Grentikova I., AlаbinаT. GAMESTORMING AS A TOOL IN MAKING DECISIONS BY BUSINESS // Economics Profession Business, 2019. № 3. P. 39-43. URL: