• V. I. Tatarenko Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies Email: v.i.tatarenko@ssga.ru
  • B. V. Robinson Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies Email: kaf.bgd@ssga.ru
  • O. V. Usikova Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies Email: o.v.usikova@yandex.ru
Keywords: territorial organization, federal district, macroregion, strategic planning, economic development, interregional relations, economic region


The proposed article considers three variants of divisions of territories by their spatial location and administrative affiliation in Russia. It now exists 11 economic regions, 8 federal districts, and according to the Strategy for the Spatial Development of Russia up to 2025, planned to form new 12 macro-regions. Analyzed the similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages of these options. Newly forming macro-regions are considered from the standpoint of the ranking of the subjects of the Federation of the Siberian and Far Eastern districts by investment attractiveness and risk factor of economic activity. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that the various options for spatial division of the country have little effect on the state of the economy as a whole. In relation to Siberia, proposals are presented for the approach to the formation of such an administrative association of territories in order to optimize their economic development.


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How to Cite
1. Tatarenko V. I., Robinson B. V., Usikova O. V. DISTRICTS, AREAS, MACROREGIONS // Economics Profession Business, 2019. № 4. P. 72-76. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/ec/article/view/epb201950.