• Виктор Иванович Крышка Altay State University (Barnaul) Email:
Keywords: labour wage, wages, cost of goods labor


The article is devoted to the study of the subordination of wage's forms and the wages nature from the perspective of science modern methodology developed by I. Lakatos. In particular, on the basis of “protective layers’ and “core” allocation of the phenomenon characterized as employee remuneration, the article considers the following aspects.

The basis of the various wage systems is wages as the monetary price of labour, i. e. a certain amount of money paid to employees by employers for the work they have done under the contract. Depending on the degree of importance for employees wages divide into main and additional. The “core” of the basic part of wages is the

cost of goods labor (annual, monthly, daily). This according to Marx determines the time and piece-rate forms of wages and their various combinations in the wage systems.

The cost of labor and the cost of its production as a special kind of goods are determined by the costs associated with both production and consumption.

From the perspective of the consumption process, the “core” of wages includes the cost of consumed material and spiritual means of consumption, as well as services related to the activities of households in their consumption. From the perspective of production it includes costs associated with the development of human capital, expressed in the growth of workers’ qualifications.

The cost of goods labor, the core of wages in economic and social practice are manifested as a normative requirement of compliance with the level of wages historically emerging standard of living of the majority of the population, which are employees. This, in particular, is a characteristic of the normative dependence of the minimum wage on the subsistence minimum.


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How to Cite
1. Крышка В. И. THE "CORE" AND "PROTECTIVE LAYERS" OF LABOUR WAGES FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF GENERAL ECONOMY // Economics Profession Business, 2019. Vol. 2. № 2. P. 38-47. URL: