• G. G. Vukovich Kuban State University Email:
Keywords: personnel management, human resources, methods of personnel management, personnel service, Kaizen, personnel policy, labor organization, labor market, labor stimulation, innovations in personal management


The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical platform of the personnel management system. One of the key problems remains the lack of unified methodological approaches to personnel management, which needs innovations, where workforce planning should be formed according to the company's development strategy, and additional professional training and retraining support innovation. The methodological base of the study includes the theoretical provisions of personal management. The theoretical and practical significance of the study is to substantiate the need to improve the personnel management system based on innovations in social and labor relations. System approaches covering the functionality of HR-service in a particular company and the workload of employees of this service are highlighted. It is proved that it is advisable not only to stimulate organizational behavior and encourage high-performance work, but also to motivate employees to maximize the implementation of human capital, including creativity to achieve goals. Identify and describe the direction of introduction of innovations in personnel work: the first is staff development and management of business career; the position of the employer, which involves first invest in employee knowledge and then to profit at the expense of increased loyalty; the second is the alignment of the model of material employee compensation for work performed.


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How to Cite
1. Vukovich G. G. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT: THEORY AND METHODOLOGY // Economics Profession Business, 2019. № 4. P. 20-25. URL: