УДК 631.115.8

Keywords: consumer cooperation, agriculture, price disparity in the agro-industrial complex system, Altai territory, small businesses


The article aims to identify the problems of development of agricultural consumer cooperatives in the Altai territory in the food supply system. The stages of changes in the number of consumer cooperatives in Russia are revealed: from 2006 to 2010 — an increase in the number, from 2011 to the present-a decrease in the number with an increase in revenue per organization, a high concentration of income in a large group of cooperatives is shown — 10.0% of cooperatives received 72.11% of the total revenue of all organizations. The paper assesses the current trends of small-scale farming in Russia. On the example of the Altai territory, the main trend of the development of households: in this category, producers reduced the number of livestock, poultry, increasing the number of bee-families; households remain the main producers of potatoes, vegetables, wool, honey commodity, milk and meat cattle, poultry; the marketability of production tends to increase, but remains low. There is practically no reserve for growth in sales volumes due to the development of production and sales cooperation, since no more than five cooperatives actually operate.


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Author Biographies

V.V. Vorobyovа, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры финансов и кредита

S.P. Vorobyov, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры экономики и эконометрики


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How to Cite
1. VorobyovаV., Vorobyov S. PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONSUMER COOPERATION IN AGRICULTURE IN THE REGION // Economics Profession Business, 2020. № 4. P. 47-53. URL: