УДК 336.145 (571.150)

  • N. A. Shevchuk Altai State Agricultural University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
  • A. V. Ivleva Altai State Agricultural University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: participatory budgeting, participatory democracy, local initiative support project, civil control, grassroots democracy


A promising direction for solving the problems of improving life in rural areas is the implementation of the Local Initiatives Support Project, which is the most common and popular practice of initiative budgeting on the whole territory of Russian Federation.

The theoretical basis of participatory budgeting is the republican theory of the organization of society and participatory democracy, which assumes a decentralized collective decision-making that affects the life of the community.

The article considers the history of the development of participatory budgeting in the world, the Russian Federation and the Altai Region in particular, describes the applied procedure of initiative budgeting, and analyzes the implementation of the Local Initiatives Support Project on the example of the Kosikhinsky district, Altai Region.

The performed researches indicate the expansion of the practice of realization the LISP in the Altai Territory.

But already at this stage the authors note the need to improve relations between the project participants and suggest using the experience of implementing the adapted methodology developed by the European University in St. Petersburg and the Committee of Civil Initiatives in the cities of Cherepovets (Vologda region) and Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad region) for this purpose.


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Author Biographies

N. A. Shevchuk, Altai State Agricultural University (Barnaul, Russia)

кандидат экономических наук, доцент

A. V. Ivleva, Altai State Agricultural University (Barnaul, Russia)



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How to Cite
1. Shevchuk N. A., Ivleva A. V. PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN THE ALTAI REGION // Economics Profession Business, 2021. № 1. P. 127-133. URL: