УДК 338.439.021.1 (470)

  • P. V. Vodyasov SP Vodyasov Email:
Keywords: food security, doctrine, food independence, physical accessibility, economic accessibility, food, regional self-sufficiency, planning, imperative


The new Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2020, is a strategic planning document. The article contains a review of the strategic goal of ensuring food security, as well as a comparison of its formulations from the new Doctrine and from the one originally adopted in 2010. The doctrine needs further improvement to adjust the methodology for assessing food security. The doctrine contains two imperatives, without which the achievement of the strategic goal of ensuring food security is not possible. The first imperative is that every citizen of Russia must have access to food. The second imperative clarifies the first in the sense that every citizen of Russia has the right to access to food in volumes not lower than the rational norms of food consumption. The methodology for assessing food security should be based on assessing the achievement of the goal of ensuring it, taking into account all the imperatives contained in the text of the Doctrine. An adjusted system of indicators for assessing food security and self-sufficiency, ensuring the physical and economic accessibility of food was proposed.


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P. V. Vodyasov, SP Vodyasov

кандидат экономических наук


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How to Cite
1. Vodyasov P. V. FOOD SECURITY DOCTRINE: FROM SETTING A PURPOSE TO A METHOD TO EVALUATE ITS ACHIEVEMENT // Economics Profession Business, 2021. № 2. P. 13-20. URL: