УДК 33 (470): 621.31

  • I. S. Mezhov NVP "Horizons of Altai" (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
  • A. V. Yashchenko JSC Barnaulskaya Gorelektroset (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: power, electricity, interaction, economics, pricing mechanism, supplier, consumer, power industry transformation, integration


The article deals with the problem of reproduction of generating capacities in the aspect of building a rational investment mechanism. Since it is now working, it cannot satisfy consumers of electricity. Almost all experts say that there is only one alternative — reducing the cost of energy consumption in order to increase the competitiveness of the economy. The pricing mechanism does not allow generating companies to generate capital for their own development. A method was devised to withdraw funds from consumers to support and commission generating capacities through the so-called capacity sale mechanism. However, no matter how this non-economic method of withdrawing funds from consumers is argued, in the end, these amounts place an additional burden on the economy. Obviously, there cannot be an efficiently functioning electric power industry without the «consumption» sector, without developing and growing industry and, as a result, growing productive power consumption. One of the conditions for economic growth is the condition of economically justified production costs. Due to geographic and country conditions, the cost of electrical energy for industrial consumers in the Russian Federation is higher than abroad, and consumption due to climatic conditions is higher. In terms of electricity costs, our industry is losing the competition.


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Author Biographies

I. S. Mezhov, NVP "Horizons of Altai" (Barnaul, Russia)

доктор экономических наук, директор научно-внедренческого предприятия

A. V. Yashchenko, JSC Barnaulskaya Gorelektroset (Barnaul, Russia)

кандидат экономических наук, генеральный директор АО


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How to Cite
1. Mezhov I. S., Yashchenko A. V. PAYMENT FACTOR FOR POWER IN THE POWER INDUSTRY: PLUSES AND MINUSES FOR THE ECONOMY // Economics Profession Business, 2022. № 2. P. 57-63. URL: